
Tattooed winged eyeliner

The development of cosmetology allows you to favourably emphasize the advantages, hide appearance flaws, and save time on daily makeup. Popular trends in the beauty industry include eyelid tattooing with shadow effect. Subcutaneous injection of dyes creates the impression of monochrome or coloured shadows, smoky eyes or neatly blended arrows.

Eyeliner Permanent

Features of winged liner tattooing

Tattooing on the eyes with the effect of growing shadows refers to the most complex types of permanent makeup. The complexity lies in the shade of the dye, which will be favourably combined with the kind of appearance. The qualification of the master plays a decisive role. Only a professional will apply it permanently to look natural and not differ from neat makeup shadows.

Advantages of eye tattooing with the winged style:

  • corrects the shape and visually makes the look more expressive;
  • hides age changes, asymmetry, and other flaws;
  • eliminates the need to apply makeup every day, provides a well-groomed look even without makeup;
  • helps to save money on cosmetics;
  • Prolongs the youthfulness of the eyelid skin, allowing you to apply less aggressive cosmetics to this sensitive area.

The procedure of applying tattoo shadows on the eyelids consists of several steps:

Selecting the shade of pigment.
Determining the area for applying permanent makeup. It can be the upper or lower eyelid or both at once.
Development of a template and its application on the face.
Application of local anaesthesia in the form of gel or cream. Injectable anaesthetics are not used, as they can cause swelling.
Introduction of the dye with a sterile needle for injection. The depth of injection is shallow – about 0.5 mm.
Treatment with tissue regeneration cream.

Who is suitable for a winged eyeliner tattoo?

The procedure helps to hide certain congenital or acquired defects. Correction is amenable to such problems as:


“sad” look (downcast corners);

too convex pupils;

narrow incision;

recessed fit;

scars, small scars, consequences of surgery or plastic intervention.

Suppose the upper eyelids are naturally too heavy and overhanging over the eyes, or the skin is covered with a mesh of wrinkles and lost elasticity due to natural age changes. In that case, it is usually tough to make a prominent arrow. This is where the blending technique comes to the rescue. It softens the transition from colour to skin tone, opens the look and camouflages the primary signs of ageing.

Combination with different types of looks

Proper eye tattooing with shadows and arrows suits many types of appearance. The procedure helps visually lengthen the round cut and open the look at the diagonal form. Close-set eyes professional permanent gives away, widely spaced make harmonious.

Tattooing with shading is suitable for older women and girls with pale, inexpressive appearance. The procedure successfully hides age-related skin changes, correctly places accents, and emphasizes the look.

This permanent is not recommended for girls with an Asian variety of appearance or with overhanging eyelids. In both cases, tattooing with the effect of shadows will highlight flaws and will look like a messy layering of pigment. The ideal choice is to apply arrows with a spreading, visually emphasising the look, lifting the eyelid, and refreshing the appearance.

Classic Arrow Shadow

Classic arrows with a shadowing effect suit women of all ages and appearance types. Eyeliner procedure successfully corrects features, adds thickness to the eyelashes, creates the effect of flawlessly applied makeup and eliminates the need to spend time every morning drawing neat lines.

The shape, length, and degree of spreading are selected according to the wishes and preferences of the client. It is also necessary to take into account the features of facial features:

  • narrow eyes will emphasize thin arrows;
  • almond-shaped cut will look more expressive with broad lines;
  • small eyes look more harmonious with an arrow with a slightly raised tail, the beginning of which slightly recedes from the inner corner;
  • with a round shape, the line should extend beyond the borders of the eye, and its edge should be blended;
  • Close-set eyes will visually alienate the emphasis on the outer corner;
  • Wide-set eyes look more favourable with intensely drawn inner corners and blended outer edges.

Masters of our studio will help you choose the form, considering the type of appearance and the desired result.

The final appearance of permanent eyeliner tattoos is formed within 1-1.5 months.

To maintain the results for a long time, it is necessary to adhere to the recommendations for care during the healing period. After a few days, the skin will heal, swelling, crusts and peeling will come down, and eyelids will acquire the desired shade.

In 2-4 weeks after the procedure, it is necessary to undergo correction to correct deficiencies. The permanent makeup artist will form the final contour and create a lasting result. With the right approach, even after 1-1.5 years, tattooing arrows with shadows on the eyelids retains a neat look.

Smokyeyes style tattooing

The “smokyeyes” style has been a trend for many years. The technique emphasizes the contour and advantages of appearance, making even a not-very-expressive face spectacular.

The main feature of such Smokey Eyeliner is a smooth transition from dark to light shades. Permanente fills the intercostal space of the upper and lower eyelids with a saturated dark colour, after which it is spread to create a smooth transition. This creates a smoky effect; the eyelashes seem thicker and look deeper.

This permanent eyeliner tattoo is suitable for festive occasions and everyday life. On weekdays, the owner of smoky eyes can look well-groomed without makeup. On special events, it is enough to apply mascara on the eyelashes, use eyeliner or glitter, and then the look will become bright and spectacular even without the help of makeup artists.

Coloured shadows and the choice of shade

Often, with coloured eyelid tattooing, choose pastel, grey, and brown shades. But this does not mean that you can not choose brighter colours. Coloured can be only an arrow or the whole spread. Blue, pink, orange and other pigments create a bright, unusual appearance. Popular colours among girls who want to stand out from the crowd.

Permanent Eyeliner

Please choose a colour, whether a bright tone or a nude shade; it is best to work with a master. The specialist will select a pigment that harmonizes with the colour of your skin and eyes. The palette of tones in our studio allows you to make tattooing with extensions of any colour. Often, the master combines several shades at once.

For example, girls with swarthy skin and dark eyes are best suited to olive and coffee colours. Blondes with a cold appearance look harmoniously with grey, bluish tones. The right colour will help to create a natural result.

Contraindications to performance

No matter how much you want to make your appearance more attractive, there are times when tattooing will have to be abandoned. Objective reasons that do not allow you to do permanent include:

  • Ophthalmological problems of any nature, including conjunctivitis;
  • blood diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • oncology and malignancies;
  • psychiatric disorders and epilepsy;
  • active inflammatory processes;
  • infectious infections;
  • presence of colloidal scars.

The period of pregnancy, childbirth and lactation is not suitable for tattooing. Colouring elements introduced into the mother’s body can negatively affect the child’s immature immune system.

It is worth going for a correction.

Correction is a mandatory step, not an optional service. It is carried out 30-45 days after surgery when the skin is completely healed, and there are no traces of intervention or inflammation. During the session, the master performs the following actions:

  • perfects the shape of the drawing;
  • corrects errors that became visible after the final recovery of the skin;
  • supplements the intensity and colour saturation, partially lost during rehabilitation.

The work takes less time than the initial filling of the skin with a colouring agent. At the end of the session, the contour lines acquire the necessary clarity, and the area of spreading becomes even softer and smokier. The makeup is finally fixed and achieves the essential firmness and shade saturation. Its service life is significantly increased after that.

One correction is enough for young girls. For ladies 30+ who have already encountered signs of primary fading, in case of detection of any shortcomings a month after correction, it is desirable to revisit the master and correct what could not be done in the previous time.

Further, the need for renewal is determined on an individual basis. Depending on the characteristics of the body, it will be necessary to adjust the saturation and clarity of the pattern no more often than once every 1.5-2 years.

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