
Eyebrow cosmetic tattoo

Permanent makeup is the injection of a colouring pigment under the skin lasting six months to 5 years. This procedure is carried out both in beauty salons and by private masters. Permanent eyebrow makeup is in demand among both young people and mature adults.


Description and purpose of the procedure

Eyebrow tattooing (or permanent makeup) is a method of long-term eyebrow correction using subcutaneous injection of colouring pigment. The technician changes the colour of the hairs and models new contours according to a previously drawn-up template, using a tool with disposable needle tips. This procedure serves to save decorative cosmetics and mask minor skin defects (for example, scars or bald spots).

Types of permanent eyebrow tattooing

Modern tattooing can be hardware or manual, depending on the method of injecting the colouring pigment. The first technique involves using a particular tattoo machine, and the second – the manual use of a manipulator – a tool in the form of a pen (used for microblading).

These methods involve using replaceable, disposable needles, but with the hardware method, the pigment is injected more profoundly under the skin and lasts longer.

Popular techniques

There are the following techniques for permanent eyebrow makeup:

Hair technique (divided into two subtypes – European and Oriental)

It is suitable for owners of sparse and irregular eyebrows. The technician draws each hair, imitating the natural effect.

Tattooing with shading

The pigment is injected into the gaps between the growing hairs to increase their density visually. Depending on the thickness of the injected paint, there are three subtypes: dense (shading), shadow, and soft.


Powder technique

This is one of the most fashionable and popular types of permanent eyebrow tattooing. The technician works on creating the effect of powdering, gently blending the dye. The result is beautiful eyebrows and a natural product.


Here, the technician works on both shading the colour and drawing the hairs.


Its distinctive characteristics are delicate, filling with colour without apparent contouring.

Eyebrow microblading

Imitation of natural hairs with the help of the finest strokes applied with a special pen.

Pros and cons of this procedure

Permanent eyebrow makeup is a profitable service that saves you time on everyday makeup and visually corrects your facial features. The tattoo is not erased and is washed off in the pool, gradually losing its colour saturation. Such a procedure is the best option for owners of rare and faded eyebrows when a regular pencil cannot give them additional thickness and the correct shape.

Expected effect:

  • long-lasting colouring;
  • Correction of the shape and elimination of asymmetry of the eyebrow contours;
  • camouflage of minor cosmetic imperfections (for example, scars or areas of hair growth disorders).

A client’s main risk when undergoing such a procedure is choosing an unqualified technician. The unpleasant consequences can result not only in an unaesthetic result but also in an infection.

Contraindications and limitations

Contraindications to the procedure can be divided into several groups

  • The first is a prohibition due to a medical diagnosis:
  • acute inflammatory, oncological and autoimmune diseases, AIDS;
  • the presence of benign tumours in the area of tattooing (moles, papillomas);
  • dermatological diseases; herpes;
  • tuberculosis; epilepsy;
  • Hepatitis;
  • diabetes mellitus.

Consult with the tattoo artist about the feasibility of tattooing if you suffer from blood clotting diseases or have a risk of colloidal scars.

Should I do permanent makeup during the “critical days”?

If you have started menstruating the day before the procedure, postpone your visit to the master for 5-6 days after the end of your period. This period is unfavourable due to increased skin sensitivity.

Is tattooing allowed for pregnant and lactating mothers?

Since hormonal levels and the immune system change during pregnancy and lactation, permanent makeup can be more dangerous. Possible consequences include poor quality results, infections, and even the formation of colloidal scars.

The second group is seasonal restrictions.

In summer, it is highly undesirable to wear permanent makeup because high temperatures and high dust concentrations in the air will provoke skin irritation. This will complicate the healing process and may cause complications. In addition, swimming in open water is a risk of infection.

The third group is age restrictions.

Only adult clients can afford eyebrow reshaping with a tattoo.

Choosing the colour of the pigment and the correct eyebrow shape

Correctly determining the future condition and shade of the stain is the task of the master, who focuses on the client’s oval face and hair colour. The rules of permanent eyebrow makeup state that the chosen dye cannot be more than three shades darker than the hair shade.

Recommended shape by face type

  • Round-faced people should model eyebrows of an ascending shape with a gentle bend. It is strictly not recommended to shape them in the form of arcs: this will make the oval of the face even rounder.
  • For those with an oval face shape, straight eyebrows without a bend, far enough away from the bridge of the nose, are suitable. It is allowed to create a slight break or modelling of ascending lines.
  • The arched eyebrow contours will help visually correct the triangular shape’s disproportion.
  • If your facial features resemble a square, you are strictly prohibited from drawing thin “threads”. The best option is arched long eyebrows with a raised tip.

What pigment to use?

To ensure that the result does not disappoint the client with pretentiousness and unnaturalness, the following rules should be followed when choosing a colour:

  • For brunettes, it is preferable to choose dark brown shades;
  • For blondes, use a grey-brown range. If the hair colour has an ashy hue, it will be harmoniously emphasised by grey tones;
  • brown-haired women are advised to be careful when choosing a colouring pigment. The recommended range of shades is from grey to brown. Dark dyes are suitable only for owners of dark skin, and in other cases, it is recommended to choose a pigment that is a shade lighter than the hair colour;
  • for redheads, brown shades are the best option. It is not recommended to abuse dark tones;
  • for light brown hair, it is allowed to use a terracotta chestnut range. Dark golden shades of pigment will successfully emphasise blond hair and eyes. And dark-haired clients can choose brown and dark chestnut shades.

Why nail technicians refuse to use black pigments

From low-quality manufacturers, such a dye acquires a blue tint over time. In addition, too dark eyebrow tattoo is not suitable even for brunettes with dark skin.

Specialists often use a mixture of dark brown, grey, and olive pigments. This “cocktail” is as close to black as possible but retains a beautiful shade when fading.

Important nuances

  • The choice of colour allows for exceptions. Sometimes, colouring with dark chestnut pigment can be harmoniously combined with blond hair and brown eyes.
  • If the client has undergone complex colouring the day before, the eyebrow tone is selected by the colour of the hair roots.
  • Thin eyebrow lines are in harmony with small facial features, while wide ones are suitable for owners of brightly defined cheekbones and extensive parts.

If the client is a man: what technique to choose

How can classic tattooing be beneficial for men? The procedure will help remove bald spots in the hair growth area and correct the asymmetry of eyebrow contours.

The shades of pigment, as in the case of women’s tattooing, are also chosen according to hair colour and skin tone. To make the result look natural, it is recommended to use the following recommendations:

  • Use a soft shading technique;
  • Avoid sharp eyebrow contours;
  • combine several shades of pigment.

Visiting qualified specialists results in beautiful eyebrows made with tattooing without hinting at their unnatural origin.

How to do a tattoo: stages of the procedure

Tips for the preparation period

The day before you visit the nail technician, avoid drinking alcohol, strong tea, and coffee. Avoid taking antibiotics and blood thinners. Sunbathing in a solarium or on the beach is also prohibited.

How does the procedure go, and how long does it take?

Traditionally, a tattoo session lasts 1.5-2 hours. The procedure protocol consists of the following steps:

  • the client discusses the eyebrow design with the master;
  • the skin is cleansed of makeup and treated with a disinfectant; a sketch is made using a cosmetic pencil;
  • local anaesthesia is used. The effect of the anaesthetic cream appears approximately 20 minutes after application;
  • The nail technician starts to inject the pigment under the skin. Disposable needles and the so-called barrier protection – a disposable plastic nozzle for a tattoo machine – should be used in the work. The stage of dye implantation takes approximately 40 minutes;
  • the final step is post-procedure skin treatment and consultation on further care at home.

Does it hurt?

Thanks to preliminary anaesthesia, the procedure is quite comfortable. Reviews of those who have had tattooing done show that the sensations from contact with the needle resemble a mild mosquito bite. Of course, the anaesthetic won’t wholly eliminate discomfort, but it will make the procedure much more tolerable.

What you need to know about post-procedure care

To ensure that the eyebrows treated with a tattoo machine heal properly, you should follow the following recommendations:

  • wipe the skin with chlorhexidine or myramistin every 1-1.5 hours during the first day after the procedure;
  • use wound healing and anti-inflammatory ointments.
  • What should I use to treat the pigment injection area?

We can recommend Solcoseryl, Bepanthen, Rescuer, and D-panthenol among the restorative ointments.

What not to do after the procedure

  • wet the skin with water – during the first week after the session;
  • touch the tattoo area with your hands;
  • visit the sauna and bath, as well as the swimming pool;
  • take antiviral drugs that slow down the process of pigment implantation;
  • use scrubs and decorative cosmetics for eyebrows;
  • do active sports (sweating is harmful to unhealed skin).

Can I sunbathe after the procedure?

The active sun harms unhealed skin and can contribute to the accelerated pigment excretion from epidermal tissues. Therefore, visits to the beach or solarium should be postponed for about 2-3 weeks.

Features of the healing process

As a standard, the recovery period after the procedure takes seven days. The eyebrows look like this right after the process: a slight redness and swelling are reasonably expected.

Those who have had tattooing done at least once know that the main stages of skin rehabilitation are best done at home.

On the first day after the session, redness and swelling are observed around the eyebrows. The colour of the injected pigment seems unnaturally bright. Clients often complain that their eyebrows hurt after the anaesthetic wears off.

In the area of tattooing, dried blood is released. It should be removed with extreme care, using wet wipes containing alcohol. When it dries, the dried blood becomes crusts that protect the unhealed skin from mechanical damage.

On the second day, redness and swelling subside: you can safely appear in public places. However, the eyebrows remain bright.

On the 3rd day, crusts form, which should be lubricated with ointment. It would be best not to pull or touch them with your hands without a particular need.

After four days, peeling begins in the area of the tattoo. Your task at this stage is not to unnecessarily rub or touch the eyebrows, even if the skin is very itchy.

How many days does the recovery take in total?

Even though the skin in the eyebrow area heals within a week, its final rehabilitation will be completed no earlier than 14 days later. This is when the brightness of the implanted pigment will decrease.

Eyebrow Tattooing

How to treat eyebrows to fix the effect?

Before purchasing a care product, be sure to consult with the technician who performed the procedure. Considering the allergic reaction tendency and carefully studying the cream’s composition would be best.

Why do you need correction?

After the healing process, the pigment injected under the skin fades significantly. Correction of the master’s work allows you to correct the colour of the eyebrows, fill in previously missed gaps, and fix the dye.

Is this procedure mandatory?

Yes, it is. In addition, correction requires the initial application of permanent makeup and its overlap. This is because even in the case of cooperation with an experienced master, clients are not always satisfied with the result. In addition, with the help of correction, you can significantly increase the durability of the tattoo.

When to have a second session?

Young clients are advised to visit the master no earlier than a month, and representatives of the older age category – in about six weeks.

How long does the result last

According to generally accepted standards, the “lifespan” of tattooed eyebrows is from six months to 5 years. Its durability is influenced by many factors – from the quality of the dye to the client’s age and the climate of the country where they live. For example, young or oily skin retains the injected pigment less. In conditions of frequent contact with ultraviolet light, eyebrows fade much faster.

What do you need to ensure longevity?

Use sunscreen; do not treat the skin in the eyebrow area with scrubs or bleaching agents; attend regular correction sessions.

How does the dye fade?

After a year, the injected pigment lightens significantly. A high-quality dye fades evenly and should not change colour over time. Please note: the more profound the pigment is implanted, the longer it stays in the epidermal tissues.

Negative consequences and ways to eliminate them

What to do after an unsuccessful result?

If it’s the unaesthetic nature of the master’s work, then the following measures are taken:

Covering with a tattoo. However, not every master will undertake to correct someone else’s work: it all depends on individual factors;

laser correction. Note that one session will not be enough to achieve the result.

What to do if laser correction is not available?

In addition to hardware removal, there are other methods of pigment removal. For example, use a remover – a unique chemical solution. If the eyebrows look entirely faded, you can proceed to the removal stage at home. Using scrubs and bleaching agents will not remove the pigment without a trace but will restore the aesthetics of your appearance.

How to protect yourself from a bad result?

Unfortunately, some nail technicians practice passing off samples of other people’s work as their own. To avoid becoming a victim of an unprofessional, use the following advice: study customer reviews on a social networking page and find out their opinion about this specialist in personal correspondence. This will help you navigate both the authenticity of the written comments and the choice of a master.


Compatibility with other procedures

If you have recently had beauty injections (Botox, hyaluronic acid fillers, meso threads) in the forehead area, you should wait with tattooing. Your beautician will explain how many days after the procedure you can apply permanent makeup.

Postpone chemical peeling for a while: firstly, the skin in the eyebrow area needs to heal, and secondly, an exfoliation session will negatively affect the pigment’s durability.

Is it possible to dye eyebrows after a tattoo session?

Such manipulation is allowed only after the skin recovery period is over.

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